Friday, September 11, 2009


As you can see, this time I have updated the design of the blog. Nothing too fancy again, as I want to keep it dead simple to navigate and use. Just two main variations:
First, I have stretched it, because I think no one still uses a 800x600 resolution. I'm pretty certain that 1024x768 is the new minimum nowadays.
Second, I have inverted colours and use a black background with white text. As my posts are usually long pieces of text (sorry!), I've decided to follow the recommendations to make reading from a screen safer for your sight.
I've tested everything on different resolutions, etc, and seems to work just fine. But if you're experiencing any problem, please post a comment here and I'll try to solve it as soon as possible and to the best of my knowledge.

Also, I have included more links in the appropriate section. Those are sites I frequently visit and companies I buy products from. You may want to check them.

Lastly, I've made some minor editing in some old posts here and there, and added a comment in this one: Arcade Ruleset VI. If you've got nothing better to do, you could have a look at those older posts.

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