Friday, July 31, 2009


Long time no update, uh?

These past two months I either had no time to update (when did I get such a busy social life?), or I wasn't in the mood to do so. With all the last posts being about rules it all became rather boring, I'm afraid. But now that the holidays are approaching I hope to get more free time; and changing themes of posts more often should make this blog more enjoyable.

And... this is not going to be an empty post! After rambling about the topic of printed books against PDFs on the blog of latest follower A Thousand Hats (see that discussion on his blog here, and on the FoD here), I decided to upload here a preview of what a possible Ajsalium rulebook may look like (just wanted to show you because I'm rather proud of it; hope you too like it). And in case you wonder where I got the illustration from, she's the concept art for the Reaper miniature Finari.

Click for a bigger image

That's all for now. See you soon (hopefully)!